In the community
We meet families exactly where they are; at school, your home, the park, you name it!
Education Support Services
In partnership with the Connecticut Judicial Branch, Court Support Services Division, the Children’s Community Programs of Connecticut provides educational advocacy and legal representation to youth referred by juvenile probation offices.
In consultation with juvenile probation, we review the educational needs of each youth referred for services, and provide advocacy and representation on their behalf.
program goals
On an individual basis, we will assess the educational needs of youth involved in the juvenile justice system. Families of referred students are matched with an educational advocate and/or attorney, depending on assessed need.
Educational advocates and attorneys will represent the student and family in school meetings and disciplinary hearings, assist in navigating the special education system, and provide guidance about appropriate placement and programming.
Core values & vision
We believe that effectively identifying and addressing the educational needs of youth in the juvenile justice system will improve pro-social behaviors and reduce recidivism. In addition to working with the individual students, our program assists in promoting more effective and appropriate policies, responses, and accommodations for children with disabilities in the education and juvenile justice systems.
Program Highlights
- Advocate for educational programming that matches a youth’s specialized needs.
- Represent students and families in disciplinary hearings and special education meetings.
- Provide training to community and juvenile probation personnel on education regulations, identification of disabilities, appropriate services and interventions, and advocacy strategies for improved educational outcomes.